Global Warming Effects on Human Health

Global Warming Effects on Human Health

Global warming can be defined as the average temperature increase on Earth. The more the temperature increases, disasters such as drought, floods, and hurricanes are frequently happening. Over the past century, the average Earth's surface temperature has increased by around 1°C. 

Global warming can lead to various serious environmental alterations, eventually affecting human health. Environmental impacts of global warming are seen in various parts of the globe. Apart from evident impacts on people's livelihoods, global warming is said to have adverse and strong effects on human health.

 Several global warming studies show that global warming is accountable for more than 150,000 deaths annually, a number predicted to continue growing as time goes. Discussed below are some of the expected awful health consequences as a result of global warming:


Vulnerable people like the sick and elderly are seriously affected by extended periods of unusually high temperatures. Researches have indicated that greenhouse gases radiations have significantly increased the probability of heatwaves. One common consequence is heatstroke or hyperthermia, leading to serious health complications if not treated on time.

 Infectious Diseases 

Global warming scientists predict that the health conditions of people living in tropical areas will worsen due to global warming. For instance, in Africa and some parts of Europe, a temperature rise suggests a rise in mosquito populations, increasing the risk of insect-transmitted diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. However, controlling temperature measures and abilities varies from one region to another. Wealthier societies can take advantage of technological developments; like, using more advanced air conditioners. In contrast, developing countries do not have such technological advancements and lack the proper health system and resources to take care of such outbreaks.

 Decrease in Agriculture Productivity

Global warming can lead to droughts and famines that can deteriorate living standards, especially in developing countries. Climatic change can severely alter patterns of rainfall and risk food and water supplies for many people.

 Respiratory Diseases 

People suffering from asthma and heart conditions are highly vulnerable to high temperatures since their cardiovascular system will have to work harder to regulate their body temperatures. High temperatures raise the concentration of ozone, which can harm lung tissues and bring complications for patients with asthma and lung diseases.

 Bottom Line 

Global warming is due to high temperatures, which worsen various calamities like floods, storms, heatwaves, and droughts. These weather events extremely impact the general livelihoods of people around the affected regions. Prolonged dry periods due to droughts mean lack of food and drinking water, uncontrollable wildfires, flash flooding, heatwaves, and dust storms. In most developing countries, lack of water causes serious diseases and death. To reduce global warming effects, people should aggressively reduce their global emissions.  


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